Zacherie's church was very large and welcoming. We knew some of the songs they were singing in English and were able to join in worship. At DJ's church the team was present for the dedication of one of DJ's 16 godchildren.
Following church we had some delicious soup then half of the team ventured back out in a tap tap to pick up Katie and some additional supplies, and the other half stayed back and organized equipment for clinic.
After navigating through the Haitian airport, Katie finally joined the team to kick off the New Year. Setting off in our tap-tap (driven by our generous friend "Papa"), we embarked on yet another wild chase through the streets of Port-Au-Prince.
The day consisted of final preparations and organizations for our upcoming clinic days. This began with a journey to find the mysterious Lost PT Bags of 2016. Last January, three duffle bags that were bursting to the seems with supplies, were lost. Throughout the subsequent months the bags have been through who knows how many hands, and we began to lose hope that they would be found. But within the recent weeks, our team caught wind of their location! We were able to retrieve the bags - or rather the supplies. All of the items had been removed and replaced into suitcases and shady looking duffle bags. But besides missing some wound care supplies and a few other things, we were able to add a great collection of orthotics and helpful items to our inventory.
We gathered after a delicious Haitian supper, finished our organizing, and had a team meeting to prepare for the wonderful week ahead of us. This was supposed to be our first meeting as a whole team, but we were missing one member. Our sweet, hard working host DJ has become sick. Please lift her up in prayer tonight and throughout these upcoming days!
And please continue to pray for the people who will walk through our doors beginning tomorrow. It is only through the power of God preparing hearts that people can come to a point to accept salvation. We feel so privileged to be able to help people with their physical needs, but it is our prayer that He will let us be a part of the work that only He can do with souls and spiritual growth!
-Katie & Stevie (Kay-Steve)
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