
International evangelical medical mission trip participation is one of the unique opportunities available through the physical therapy program at SBU. The PT mission trips usually take place during the second or third year of the program. DPT students along with alumni and faculty practice both their new professional skills and their Christian faith as a part of a PT-focused mission team meeting the physical and spiritual needs of people across the globe. Students raise funds to cover travel and participation expenses for the mission. In the past, SBU PT students have traveled to India, Venezuela, El Salvador, Peru, Brazil, Haiti, East Asia, and Zambia.

Mission and Vision

Our Healing Mission: Preparing future doctors of physical therapy to deliver care in a global society while integrating Christian faith. 
Our Vision: Equip graduates to transform the human experience through physical therapy with a Christ-centered perspective. 


  1. SportsCare Physical Therapy can get your life back to normal! Our therapist owned outpatient clinic offers personalized physical therapy and rehabilitation treatment for sports injuries.

  2. This is great outreach program! I wish your success in your journey. In physical therapy near me there's a lot also a volunteer staff and lots of activity they have. thank you for helping the community.
