Saturday, December 31, 2016

Made it!

The team has spent the last day of 2016 traveling to Haiti on several different flights. The majority of the team for the first week has arrived in Carrefour, Haiti this afternoon. Katie will be joining us tomorrow. The Lord has greatly blessed our travels as all of our luggage and equipment made the trip with us. We began the day early so we are all pretty worn out and will not be staying up to ring in the New Year at midnight.

Tomorrow we are going to begin the day by joining a Haitian church service and after that we will get organized for the weeks to come.


Friday, December 30, 2016

Rolling Out

The Haiti Team is rolling out Saturday before dawn. Please pray for our safety and health (viruses going around) as we converge on Haiti from our various locales.

Delivery of donated wheelchairs for some kids in Haiti

Monday, December 12, 2016

Haiti 2017 Team Packing Party

The Haiti team had our packing party recently (for those of us who are local and could make it). This 13 member team is gearing up for departure. We are immensely grateful for the PT supplies that we have to distribute along with the Good News of the Gospel of Christ during the first 2 weeks of January 2017.  Please pray for us as we prepare our hearts, minds, and suitcases for the mission God has in store for us.