Friday, January 5, 2018


We awoke to a very rainy day in Haiti, but to our surprise and delight a lot of patients came to the clinic. In Haitian culture most of the time if it rains people stay home, so we worried we wouldn't have many people come to clinic, since most transportation is walking. But the Lord provided a good and busy morning! We saw a patient 4 days post stroke as well as other patients with stroke, a patient with Parkinsons, 2 new pediatric patients and 1 return pediatric patient for orthotic fitting, general pain and arthritis. Our afternoon was filled with the 2nd and final day of teaching to the PT techs. It was a very full class and fun being able to be a teaching assistant to the dynamic duo of Bev and SJ! I so enjoyed working alongside the Haitians as they practiced in the lab portion. 
It was wonderful to see a mother and a father bring their 3 year old who wasn't walking yet to our clinic. Because the Bethesda Clinic has an newly up and running PT clinic with a current PT, Julie. We were able to inform the mother and father about a class (run by Julie) for parents of children with special needs they could attend to learn more, interact with other parents and find support. This is one reason that  has captured my heart for Haiti:  sustainability. I feel that was today's theme. Between being able start filling parent education classes to teaching the local Haitians hopefully more skills and knowledge of ways to treat and help their countrymen. This is sustainability. This is the future for PT in Haiti. To God be the Glory! 

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