Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Jungle

Life in the jungle is pretty amazing... It's just like in the Jungle Book. But back to reality (whoops, there goes gravity) today was an up and down kind of day. 

A couple of us got to help serial cast an 11 year old boy with CP. He was smiling and joking with us the whole time.  Too adorable. 

There was also a kid with  muscular dystrophy, possibly Duchennes. This was really hard to see, especially because he also had a hard family situation. We had to inform his mama about his condition because she had no clue the prognosis, which was difficult. If you could keep him and his mama in your prayers, they could use it greatly. 

On a little bit lighter note, the town drunk came in and fell asleep on the treatment table. We are all getting excited for tomorrow because it's wheelchair day/ceremony day with the mayor. 

After the clinic we got a special tour of an old tea factory that they are renovating. The process was very interesting and we got to try really good tea! (Like really good...)

The team is bonding very well and we are all having a blast! It's about time to sign off, stay classy San Diego. 

The Peru Team

P.S. We are being a being eaten alive by gnats 

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