Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving from Peru!

Today was another exciting day because it was wheelchair day!! We got to hand out 11 wheelchairs! The patients that received the wheelchairs were overwhelmed with emotions, tears were shed. The mayor was there and there was a big ceremony with pomp and circumstance. 

In addition, it was also a very emotional day. We expressed how we were all missing family on Thanksgiving but we were ready to commit to serving others. When it came to serving others, we were put to the test today. There were several difficult cases where our patients had conditions outside our scope of care that could be life threatening. We also met people whom we could help if we had more time and resources. It was very difficult to discern what we could realistically give to help these patients. Regardless, in true Peruvian style, our patients were extremely grateful and overwhelmed by what we could do for

For dinner they fixed us a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, and we had the best turkey that Peru had to offer. In Turkey cooking: Peru 1, America 0. The mayor, the head priest of the Catholic Church, and the minister of health came and had dinner with us. They even decorated for us with Christmas trees and flashing Christmas lights! In sports news: America 4, Peru 0. After dinner we had a tour of a local home and discovered a fruit that felt like a jiggly water balloon. During our usual nightly ice cream trip we performed an eval on the store owner's shoulders. It was another great day and we're all sad that tomorrow is our last day in the clinic, but we thank God for the time that we have been able to spend here with these people.

P.S. Bryce was finally full for the first time on the trip.

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