Sunday, March 8, 2015

Bonswa from Carrefour

Today was our first full day in Carrefour. The day started off with attending Pastor Pierre's church with our wonderful Haitian friends! The group was introduced & Ryan & Tori were announced as officially being Haitian. We worshipped & praised the Lord together. After church we came back to the house & rested before heading out to visit the community. We met with Pastor Pierre at the church to begin our prayer walk, passing out fliers, & seeking out the needs in the community. Pastor Pierre had a few houses he wanted us to stop at specifically to inform people about the clinic. There was a 15 year old girl with untreated club foot, a beautiful little girl with Down syndrome, a young girl with breathing problems, and an older lady that has cancer. As a group we walked down by the river to the shack community & even got to stop by the house Tori & the Gate Church built in 2012. There is a sweet mother & her baby living in the house now. We were able to visit & pray with lots of different families. Along the way we picked up several little friends who were interested in our watches & what we had in our back packs. It was a great day being able to go out into the community & meet new faces, plus spread the word about the clinic & the church. Tonight we will be going to church again where there will be lots of singing & dancing! We should all be ready for a good nights rest after that.

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