After a few hours of rest, today was started with breakfast, followed with a devotional about the two healing hands that we hold here: the physical and the spiritual. While both hands are important, the spiritual hand comes first, with the physical hand being second in priority. Luckily, we are blessed with the ability to offer both hands.
This afternoon we had orientation and then got settled into our first clinic where we unloaded lots of equipment and met new friends, including therapists and translators. On our way back from the clinic we stopped by the ocean - what a view! Then we arrived back to the hotel, ate dinner, and had a debriefing.
Tomorrow is our first clinic day treating patients, so we ask that you pray for the patients coming into the clinic that they receive God’s grace through our hands. We pray for safe travels for all and perseverance throughout the week.
The stones are used as tools to deliver effective tissue and muscle massage at light, medium or deep pressure levels in the treatment of sore muscles, back pain, stress and other common ailments. Reiki