Tuesday, November 22, 2016

We're Alive!

We just arrived in Pedegral, Peru where we found some wifi. :) The last two days we spent in Aplao, way down in the valley. Emerging from the desert, it felt like an oasis of rice fields with a river full of shrimp! (Unfortunately we won't be there for the shrimp festival later this week!) We have a wonderful team. Everyone works together so well, the language barrier does not prevent quality patient care. We were able to provide many canes, walkers, AFOs, crutches, and home exercise programs with the materials we brought with us. As students, we had moments where we felt that all the pieces of information we've learned came together as we evaluated a patient. For instance, just last week we learned how to take wheelchair measurements, and the very first day that is what several of us had to do. Dr. Cox will be happy to learn that we taught many patients nerve slides and examined them using the methods we've practiced recently in class. It is so easy to get stuck in "classroom mode", but being out here with patients we can see how valuable and practical everything we are learning is. ¡Gracias a Dios!


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