Tomorrow we are going to begin the day by joining a Haitian church service and after that we will get organized for the weeks to come.
The official blog for Southwest Baptist University's Physical Therapy Global Health Outreach (GHO)
Today was our second and final day in Pedregal. I worked with a physical therapist named Manuela. She works at the clinic in Arequipa mainly with kids and most of the patients I saw with her were kids. One young girl we saw was in a lot of hip internal rotation. We were able to put a wrap on that encouraged external rotation and we made a custom jointed AFO for her. Her walking was much smoother with these adjustments. We asked our patients if they had any prayer requests and prayed with each one. Each day people open up to us about broken families, feelings of loneliness and heartache. As an encouragement I shared from Matthew 10:29-31, "Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."
Back at the hotel our cook "Domi" made us a Thanksgiving dinner complete with 2 well prepared turkeys and apple pie. At the end of the meal we went around the table and shared something we are thankful for. Asdrubal warned us that tomorrow would be our last day together. It is tough to part with these people because they are part of our spiritual family and we've quickly made bonds with them. I thank God that while I was not able to spend Thanksgiving with family, I had a spiritual family to spend it with.