Saturday, August 15, 2015

Finishing Strong in El Salvador


Today we went to a beautiful location in the mountains, and our clinic was held in a school called "Montreal". Due to safety, it wasn't appropriate for us to have our fancy "American-ized" phones out, so while we may not have as many physical pictures to share,  we have mental pictures of these beautiful people and the scenery to last forever. We were able to remove some cysts, gave a patient with an amputation a wheelchair, prescribed and gave many glasses, and once again pulled many teeth! To wrap up the evening we of course had to experience the famous "pupusa" or El Salvador pizza as Jimmy likes to call it, which was delicious! Today we served between 700 and 800 people, with 106 accepting Christ! God is soooo good! 


     Today was our last day in the clinic. Over the course of this week we have counted seeing at least 1,800 patients with 376 of those professing their faith. To say God is a sovereign God and can reign in the hearts of people in the United States AND El Salvador just seems like such an understatement after this week.
    Some of you may be familiar with the current activity in El Salvador, while others may not. For those of you who are not,  San Salvador, at this time,  is considered to be pretty high up on the list for most dangerous places to be. The gang activity is unreal,  and multiple people are getting killed daily here. We don't share that to scare you, and while thankfully we have been protected strictly and never felt in danger,  gang violence is very much so a part of these people's everyday lives. 
     Today in the clinic we saw a patient with a gun shot wound. We saw another patient who was having pain and just happened to have her son with her. (Notice the picture of the shoes below) These shoes were on this little boys feet.  After providing the little boy with some new tennis shoes we had brought with us, you couldn't help but notice the tears streaming down the mom's face as we placed the shoes on his feet.  She went on to tell us that she had been trying to save up for some new shoes,  but because of the gangs she could no longer work and didn't know how she would be able to afford new shoes for him.
     This week we have heard story after story about how gangs affect people's daily lives here,  and especially children. It wasn't long into our church service tonight that we soon realized we have not only been blessed with the opportunity to show these people love this week,  but to remind them of the hope that is found in Jesus Christ,  and that no matter what the circumstances our countries may be facing, we serve a sovereign God who's faithfulness will always prevail.
     As we pack up to leave tomorrow, we leave with heavy hearts for the people here in El Salvador. There's a sense of sadness going back to the comfort we find in the U.S. after getting a tiny glimpse of what people go through daily here.  However, we know seeds have been planted and we look forward to hearing how God is watering those seeds in the future as we stay connected with Jimmy,  his church, and the people of San Salvador!
      We fly back to the States tomorrow (Saturday) and we ask that you please be praying for ease of traveling and safety.  Please also continue to pray for the people of El Salvador. We ask for you to pray for their protection and for the people here to hold unswerving to the faith they have in our BIG God! We also ask that you thank God for hearing our prayers and for the work He has done in El Salvador this week!

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